Our Latest Project - Family Name Signs

Our Latest Project - Family Name Signs

This week I had the opportunity to try something new and use a wider variety of woodworking tools than I normally do. A friend asked for a sign with their family name. We looked online for some ideas and then I got to work designing. After the design was approved, I was excited to get started creating. I used cedar, poplar, and pine plywood in this project. I started with the table saw to cut the plywood to size for the background and painting it white. While the paint dried, I loaded the poplar in the laser and cut the words and decoration. After those were cut, I spray painted them black. Going forward, I'll save time by spray painting before cutting the letters out. In between steps, I put another layer of white on the background several times. For the frame, I chose rough cut cedar to give it a rustic look. After cutting each piece to size, I used a Kreg jig to drill holes in the back of each rail. Once the frame was ready to go, I grabbed a nail gun off the wall and tacked the back onto the frame. That done, I had only to glue the letters and decoration down.
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